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Wow, if someone would have told me 5 years ago that I’d be doing my own blog I would have done one of those nervous laughs and given a soft, “yeahhhh”. But if that same person said I’d have my own women’s boutique 5 years ago, I’d say heck yeah I’m going to”. Talk about where dreams begin and work starts right?
Hey loves, my name is Nicki Smith and I am the founder of The Humming Arrow, a Women’s Boutique. It only felt natural to give you my first blog post as a background about myself, I mean you clicked into our website, The Humming Arrow and are wondering who are these people right? But I promise I won’t make this super long, nor boring; after all I’m just nervous putting this out in the world as is! Oh and to set the stage, I call everyone love too!
The business and myself have lived in Eastern Iowa our entire lives, almost 31 years for those of you counting but just a year and half baby of a business since March 2017. The idea started when my I was pregnant with my daughter, Emery now 4. I worked in corporate America and felt compelled to itch that entrepreneurial spirit of mine in women’s apparel. But life is all about season’s that God just so happens to know just when to place on our hearts so the idea brewed for a few years. Living in a small town and a hour away from the nearest mall, I consistently saw the same fashion from the only two local stores that carried decent women’s fashion. After awhile, to me at least, I craved more! Fast forward a few years, my husband, Travis and I had our final child, Levi in 2016. Passing that one year mark from baby life into toddlerhood seems to make me feel like I just conquered a marathon so I felt the nudge to start the business.
Everyday life with my babies! Ok well, life during our photo shoots and the kiddos want to hang out with us!
The Kiddos
Photo Credits: BJ Photography
Growing up in the country and never feeling like I had a “true style,” I decided to make The Humming Arrow for those ladies who like to vary their style in different facets of life. So some days your vibe is more a free spirit and boho chic while other days you want to rock that one-piece jumper like a power suit! Girl we want you to rock at life and feel the confidence of living your best life. Maybe you see all these different styles but don’t want to sport an entire closet full of that trend, no worries love – just start out with one or two functional pieces that you can determine the “vibe” based on what you style with them like jewelry or accessories! We call that winning where we’re from! Oh and let’s not forget, not only have I varied in up to 4 different sizes in my adult life in clothes, I know you ladies have to so we proudly carry sizes Small thru 3x. Women ask me frequently while trying out items in our fashion trailer (shameless plug but future post😊), “how does this look?”
My reply isn’t your typical salesperson and agreeing every single item looks amazing in hopes to receive a sale. Nope, not close.
It’s, “How do you feel?”
The Humming Arrow is here to help YOU dress for YOU. To help YOU make feel amazing, feel comfortable stepping out in something different, to help you see what compliments are awaiting around the corner when you try something you haven’t tried before.
You. Are. Beautiful.
XO – Nicki
If you loved this first edition of the blog woohooo, I love you! If not, I promise it’ll get better from here and I still love you for giving it a read! If you’d like to see this week’s “favorite thing” make sure to subscribe to our weekly Sunday newsletter where we share one of our favorite things! I’ll give you a hint, this week’s favorite thing ties right into this post and seeing what best life awaits you! And if you really love us, we’d totally appreciate snapping a screen shot of this blog post and tagging us in your Instagram story to help remind ladies of what goodies await if they tune in too!

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